Forums - Sentinel Discussion Show all 56 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Sentinel Discussion ( Posted by DarthSalamander on 02:28:2001 01:35 PM: Lately it seems I have been reading a lot of threads about how the rest of the top tier matches up with Sentinel. It seems that just about everytime Sentinel is suppose to have a disadvantge. Storm - Being numero uno I suppose Storm beats just about anyone. However is Sentinel more vulnearable to rushdown or run away?. I would think runaway, due to Sentinel's super armor. Strider - There seems to be no escape for our resident big robot against Strider/Doom. Of course one mistake and Sentinel wins, but sometimes Sentinel does not get the chance. Magneto - I've heard this one both ways. It's hard for Mags to launch Sent and Sent can trap all day. Then I hear Mags is just too fast for Sent to keep up with and that he can use various means to get throught the armor(AAA, throw). This one seems to generally just be a who plays better. Dr. Doom - The SRK trap article lists Doom/BH as a good way to stop Sent. He is just too big to deal with photons and the screen being filled with crap that is not his own. Spiral - Originally Sent was supposed to beat Spiral from what I heard. Now I hear more and more that Spiral overwhelms Sentinel too much with swords, assists, and counter teleports. Cable - Oddly enough it seems that Sent has something of a chance against Cable without a good vertical AAA, since he can stomp on him without too much worry. Still a pretty bad match up though. Blackheart - Depending on who you ask Sent wins pretty well or loses pretty well. Personally I think it can go either way. Cyclops (not really an issue if he is top tier in this discussion) - He can optic blast XX SOB Sentinel for a lot of moves. I've heard this a bad match up again for Sent in other posts, but not with many reasons given. Pixies in general - Seems just about everyone has a Sentinel infinite that lets a pixie like Psylocke or Cammy destroy Sent. But how effective really is their speed in a match up with Sent. In my experience it is generally not enough. Assists in general - Assists like Commando and Cammy seem to give Sentinel a really big problem compared to other top tier members. He is just too big for his own good sometimes. I would like to hear everyone's thoughts on this, since it seems that I hear Sentinel is not too hot with all thses poor matchups, yet Viscant has him ranked 3rd and Sent always kicks ass in my hands . If certain assists or teams turn the tide of battle of course mention them. I kind of just threw this out to see what people had to say, and hopefully everyone will learn something and the world will be a better place :P. "You spoony bard!" - Tellah(he died for you) Posted by Onslaught2000 on 02:28:2001 02:26 PM: Ya make very good points in your disscussion but that was why sentinal has so many weekness' but (especially w/ srtider) sentinal huge advantage would have to be his sheer power. Just a few rocket punches to the characters you have decribed and their pretty much as good as DEAD And if he's teamed w/ the right people then he's definatly a force to be reconked w/ -No cause your Existance is Denied!- Posted by DarthSalamander on 02:28:2001 02:29 PM: I'm not necessarily trying to say Sent is weak by any means. In fact I almost always use him on my team. I just examining and trying to create dialouge on him, mainly focusing on his match ups with the rest of the top tier. I agree with you Sentinel is excellent as punishing mistakes with rocket punches and HSF's. "You spoony bard!" - Tellah(he died for you) Posted by TYPE_S on 02:28:2001 11:01 PM: You made great points but the fact of the matter is that SENTINEL is SENTINAL No matter who you use IMO the only character who could do anything at all to Sentinal is Cable. Mag has speed but 2 rocket punches and hes gone.This goes for any pixie! Also the Doom/BH trap does really good against any Sentinal (Then again,the Doom/BH trap works against anybody ) Posted by WGallahad on 02:28:2001 11:40 PM: WHat are you talking about. Sentinal doesn't have anymore weaknesses to anyone than anyone else has. What i mean is any weakness you see in Sentinal is most likely in EVERYONE. Sentinal is The Best. He can whoop the hell out of anyone. If you are talking about sheer goodness by themselves, that's not too relevant because it's all about he assists. Sentinal is one of the strongest stand alone characters. he takes the least damage, and does the most. He's not that slow cause he can fly. Only big weakness is he's too damn big. but compared to most BIG characters he rules. Just call me "UnderDrive" Posted by Spiral King on 03:01:2001 02:31 AM: well 1on1 sentinel would get TOE - UP imo. i hate when hes my last character and i just cant seem to launch that stupid bouncy psy hoe, who my opponent wont back off with tis y i think you need assists most any character quicker than him can beat him 1on1 Posted by golden nismor on 03:01:2001 03:02 AM: Nice topic, i luv sentinel, infact my two most superior teams revolve around him! Now i heard of all his weaknesses, but like wtf peeps, everyone gonna have some of these weaknesses. Lets not all forget that sentinel too has assists to use. A properly experienced sentinel knows the do's and don'ts of his game play, just as any other trained character. His advantages are of many while his weaknesses are of few. to sum it up: "sentinel is one bad mofo!" -gn 'want to box with my sentinel?' Posted by Juggrknott on 03:01:2001 04:22 AM: I like the Sentinel a lot. I think he owns most characters if he doesn't get rushed down or totally locked into some trap. Give him a good AAA, and he's all set; he protects assists very well against most things, which helps that cause... I guess I would say that you've got to remember, you're talking about his weaknesses against top tier. Not just any chip; Spiral and Strider/Doom chip. Not just any special; AHVB's and DHCed Hailstorms. Not just any rushdown, but the lightning-quick and high-priority-normals Magneto. You get my drift... Any character can have problems with this. Top tier is no exception. Combine that with a size issue that makes it relatively easy to cross him up, and that might be a lot of the answer to your question. I don't see how anybody can complain, though. Sentinel is damn good and THE big man of the game, IMHO...if he were any better he might have had Cable-glory-days kind of dominance. -Jugg Posted by DarthSalamander on 03:01:2001 04:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by WGallahad: WHat are you talking about. Sentinal doesn't have anymore weaknesses to anyone than anyone else has. What i mean is any weakness you see in Sentinal is most likely in EVERYONE. Sentinal is The Best. He can whoop the hell out of anyone. If you are talking about sheer goodness by themselves, that's not too relevant because it's all about he assists. Sentinal is one of the strongest stand alone characters. he takes the least damage, and does the most. He's not that slow cause he can fly. Only big weakness is he's too damn big. but compared to most BIG characters he rules. Just call me "UnderDrive" Sentinel has many weaknesses that most of the top tier don't. Sentinel aside from Blackheart just takes up such a large part of the screen that many characters can keep him trapped easily. He is slow on the recovery side for sure, and this makes a huge difference when fighting a pixie with razor sharp reflexes, waiting for an oppurtunity to dash in for a kill, even with an AAA since you can't call while in recovery time. He is fast when in flying but outright flying is easily punishable. The points I stated in my first post aren't neccesarily my own. You could say I'm playing devil's advocate a little. Personally I think Sentine; can just trash Spiral, but then many people will disagree with me and say it is the other way. I;m trying to create dialouge based on these top tier matches. I also don't mean to sound rude but saying things like "2 rocket punches to Magneto and it is over" really ins't what I was hoping for. What I'm looking for would be something like (example) "Sentinel can easily beat Magneto as long as he is patient and waits for a blocked launcher, and which point he can quickly perform Plasma Ball, mash like hell, and DHC into HOD for an almost dead Magneto." So everyone do their best Viscant impersonation. "You spoony bard!" - Tellah(he died for you) Posted by WGallahad on 03:01:2001 06:30 AM: OH, i'm not trying to say Anyone else is wrong, I guess i might have sounded that way. This is totally my opinion, but at hte same time i don't think that any character has any advantage over any other. I mean, look at Alex Valle's Sentinal. He doesn't have too much problems dealing with Magnetos or any pixies at that. The idea i'm saying is that it's all about who's controlling the character. I mean, no matter how good a character is, his weaknesses lie in who is using him. If i don't know how to utilize sentinals flight mode along with other strong anti-pixie attacks then i'm going to lose to them no matter how good i think the character is. I understand what you mean when you say that he has weaknesses, but every character has the same weaknesses, except (which i stated in my last post) the size thing. Just call me "UnderDrive" Posted by State of Nature on 03:01:2001 08:24 AM: I like to think that a good sentinel is flying most of the time, but one possible weakness he has against strider is strider's infinite on a standing sentinel. One good teleport and Sentinel can be put away. Posted by PsionicTempest on 03:01:2001 09:37 AM: aaah. strider vs sentinel. anyway, was having an infinite moment. Face it, sentinel cannot possibly keep pace w/ the likes of magneto, storm etc. 1on1, yet as long as he is not your last character you should be pretty well off. As for strider, as was aforementioned, one good teleport and strider strides to victory(at least against over sentinel). Posted by S3nTiN3L on 03:01:2001 10:10 AM: i think hes the best (all resons above except bad ones)ohh and you forgot to metion all of sentinels assists............yhaa that can take some of those char. out! Posted by CykoClops on 03:01:2001 12:50 PM: my cyclops eats sentinel alive... sentinel doesn't have any good AA move so when i jump in and start comboing it's all good.... i don't let sentinel fly cause then i'll either jump and MOB or just stand there doing SOB. oh and sometimes i throw out MOB at random cause it might catch him and if it doesn't it still does good chip.... but i might cop a rocket punch in my face, ouch! Posted by golden nismor on 03:01:2001 02:01 PM: CYCOCLIT, my ken will murder you clops! clops can only jump so long, then bamn kenny jr. will crumble clops down. since thats clear now, imagine what sentinel would do? -gn Posted by CykoClops on 03:01:2001 02:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: CYCOCLIT, my ken will murder you clops! clops can only jump so long, then bamn kenny jr. will crumble clops down. since thats clear now, imagine what sentinel would do? -gn first of all my name is CykoClops, CYCOCLIT is ur mum remember, she's got a mad clit. secondly, no ur ken won't do shit cause ur just a newbie and you'll get ur ass whipped at B5, and ur a liar who thinks he can do a 100% chip trap.... *cough* Posted by mondu_the_fat on 03:04:2001 07:19 AM: [B]Storm - Being numero uno I suppose Storm beats just about anyone. However is Sentinel more vulnearable to rushdown or run away?. I would think runaway, due to Sentinel's super armor.[B} Storm with assist can rushdown Sentinel (with him having an assist or not). One on one Storm has to play runaway (Super armor, Yeah !), but Sentinel can't do diddle to that either. [B]Strider - There seems to be no escape for our resident big robot against Strider/Doom. Of course one mistake and Sentinel wins, but sometimes Sentinel does not get the chance.[B] True. [B]Magneto - This one seems to generally just be a who plays better.[B] Also true, but I think one-on-one Sentinel has a definite upper hand, simply because of power. [B]Dr. Doom + BH[B] Argh, _this_ is a definite Sent killer, but if Sent also has a BH assist (which is often the case), one mistake on Doom's part and he and his blackheart are toast. [B]Spiral - Originally Sent was supposed to beat Spiral from what I heard. Now I hear more and more that Spiral overwhelms Sentinel too much with swords, assists, and counter teleports.[B] I have to disagree with this. Spiral with assist may give Sent problems, but Sent with assist (particularly Doom's AA) can give Spiral problem. Remember that Sentinel is so tall that if he blocks he covers Doom too, so Spiral can't simply teleport on top of them. Also, unlike Strider's teleport, Spiral's is too slow and is quite vulnerable to being hit with a HyperSentinelForce Super. [B]Cable[B] Goddamn AHVB. Cable with no super is dead meat to Sentinel (then again, Cable with super beats anyone). Sometimes I just plain bait an assist so that Cable will try a triple AHVB, then I pound Cable to the ground. [B]Cyclops[B] Huh ? Maybe one-on-one. Cyke has to run away from Sentinel and build meter then rain super, but even without an assist Sent can pin down Cyke. With an assist, Sentinel simply overwhelms Cyke, no matter what assist Cyke may have. Pixies die to Sent very quickly, simply due to power. Assists in general are only useful if the point is horrifically powerful in the first place. Strider and Storm being assisted by just about anyone, for instance. Otherwise assists are simply asking for Sentinel to kill them. Posted by DrunkinB on 03:04:2001 08:29 AM: Pretty much sent is tough to contend wit. U just need to know when to attack and how to attack and just like any character sent can come back and beat anyone even if it just 3 against one! Posted by Dynamyte2U on 03:04:2001 08:38 AM: All of your Sentinel comparisons are assuming that Sentinel doesn't have any assists. Give Sentinel a BH or Spiral assist and he can beat the crap out of almost anyone. Also consider that Sentinel is the best at taking hits and is one of the best at giving hits. As much as you can dominate Sentinel, one mistake or a shift in momentum can change everything. Posted by Naslectronical on 03:04:2001 08:59 AM: Sentinel's pretty good with an AAA assist. If you have his flight mode mastered, then your opponent's in trouble. But, Sentinel loses to any rushdown. Any pixie with Doom AAA pretty much takes care of him. There's the Sentinel infinite with Strider, and then there's that Cable/Spiral trap that keeps in constant blockstun until he dies. Doom kills him for free as Sentinel's bulk absorbs his constant photoning. The same deal with Storm. Spiral can keep him locked down all day with swords, and can teleport out of trouble if she messes up. He's still top-tier, however, it's just that now he seems to have a lot more weaknesses. Posted by FluffyXXL on 03:04:2001 03:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander: Lately it seems I have been reading a lot of threads about how the rest of the top tier matches up with Sentinel. It seems that just about everytime Sentinel is suppose to have a disadvantge. Storm - Being numero uno I suppose Storm beats just about anyone. However is Sentinel more vulnearable to rushdown or run away?. I would think runaway, due to Sentinel's super armor. Strider - There seems to be no escape for our resident big robot against Strider/Doom. Of course one mistake and Sentinel wins, but sometimes Sentinel does not get the chance. Magneto - I've heard this one both ways. It's hard for Mags to launch Sent and Sent can trap all day. Then I hear Mags is just too fast for Sent to keep up with and that he can use various means to get throught the armor(AAA, throw). This one seems to generally just be a who plays better. Dr. Doom - The SRK trap article lists Doom/BH as a good way to stop Sent. He is just too big to deal with photons and the screen being filled with crap that is not his own. Spiral - Originally Sent was supposed to beat Spiral from what I heard. Now I hear more and more that Spiral overwhelms Sentinel too much with swords, assists, and counter teleports. Cable - Oddly enough it seems that Sent has something of a chance against Cable without a good vertical AAA, since he can stomp on him without too much worry. Still a pretty bad match up though. Blackheart - Depending on who you ask Sent wins pretty well or loses pretty well. Personally I think it can go either way. Cyclops (not really an issue if he is top tier in this discussion) - He can optic blast XX SOB Sentinel for a lot of moves. I've heard this a bad match up again for Sent in other posts, but not with many reasons given. Pixies in general - Seems just about everyone has a Sentinel infinite that lets a pixie like Psylocke or Cammy destroy Sent. But how effective really is their speed in a match up with Sent. In my experience it is generally not enough. Assists in general - Assists like Commando and Cammy seem to give Sentinel a really big problem compared to other top tier members. He is just too big for his own good sometimes. I would like to hear everyone's thoughts on this, since it seems that I hear Sentinel is not too hot with all thses poor matchups, yet Viscant has him ranked 3rd and Sent always kicks ass in my hands . If certain assists or teams turn the tide of battle of course mention them. I kind of just threw this out to see what people had to say, and hopefully everyone will learn something and the world will be a better place :P. "You spoony bard!" - Tellah(he died for you) Basic reason why Sentinel is still top tier, Sentinel/BH combination still rocks. Individually, most of those top tier characters will beat Sentinel 1on1 or with very light assists, but in general, they still have a tough time with Sentinel/BH. Characters that still give Sent/BH problems: Cable, Strider/Doom (must have doom), Magneto, Spiral Characters that will struggle against Sent/BH: Storm Characters that will loose to Sentinel/BH: Blackheart, Cyclops, Doom, everyone else. Ok, that may be a bit overzealous, but it's practically true. Most characters just aren't mobile enough or don't have the ability to out-beam this trap. Most assists also don't make a difference in breaking this trap from full screen. You have to have the ability to get out of it and get within range of using any assist that will break it, and that usually involves wave-dashing under Short-Sentinel Force. This may or may not be an option based on how much meter Sentinel has. Also, if he has a good chipping assist like Iceman or Spiral to supplement Blackheart, then you get into even more trouble. Not only does he have good control, but he also has the option to chip. Sentinel's Ground assist is also a viable reason why he's so high on the charts. I'd go as far as to say that Sentinel assist is now on my own personal top 3 assists in the game. Not only does it do a decent amount of chip (call Sentinel right before you Inferno XX HOD and then tell me there's not much difference) but it's most important property is that it provides a lot of ground control. If it's on the screen, you have practially a split second to make a decision as to what you are going to do. Do you risk wave dashing into something really bad? Or do you SJ and risk putting yourself into an even worse position? Or do you call an assist to eat the drones? You have to react to this assist in some way, cuz you just can't block it most of the time, which leads to another reason it's so good. It is a primary ingredient in a lot of other traps. Spiral/Sent, Megaman/Sent are the primary ones, but you can use Sentinel with any other character and it just works. IMO, it's even more versital then Doom AAA. -- Fluffy Posted by Nate X Grey on 03:04:2001 07:25 PM: I'm probably gonna get flamed for saying this... but I'm gonna say it anyway. I think Sent's the second best character in the game behind Storm. I don't think for a moment that Strider/Doom if played well can't beat him. They sure can. And they're the only duo that gives that fucking robot an almost impossible match. But let's face it. We're human and bound to make mistakes. One mistake from Strider against Sent and he's history. As for most of the characters in MvsC2, flying Sent will rape them. Sent/BH or Sent/Doom is just too good. The 3 of them together in a team is scary. So here's my breakdown of why I think Sent is second in the game only after Storm. Storm: Sent can catch her runaway tactics with flying + BH AAA forcing her to rushdown. It then goes either way because it sure isn't easy to rush a good Sent/BH down. I'll give Storm the slight edge in this because constant running and rushing will make life tough for Sent. Its really close. Too close to call actually. Spiral: Sent's got too much power on his side. He has that damn armour that coupled with an assist just makes it hard for Spiral o trap him outside of a lockdown. Flying, fly cancelling and calling BH while stepping is too much. Spiral gets hit just once and its pretty much 50% gone. She can't trap a flying Sent and she doesn't have enough time to properly get a safe load with all that crap Sent and BH is throwing out. Sent's ungodly stamina helps him alot against everyone. Bear that in mind because every other thing I'm gonna say in this thread works in Sent's favour course of his cheater like stamina. Blackheart: This is not a tough match for Sentinel. His armour simply takes away BH's rushing tail games, forcing him to do the sj rh demon stuff. That's where BH comes in. With all that shit coming around its hard for BH to keep the momentum going. That's when Sent throws in some drones for the chip and so on. Once again, Sent's ungodly stamina saves him. Magneto: No. Sent doesn't die to the god of pixes. A good Sentinel will probably play a mixed game of flying and full range to kill him. Flying Sent/BH does not enable Magneto to hypertempest him. Fly cancelling is just too fast. The best way is for Mag to call Psy and start the infinite. He can't launch just yet because then BH's AAA will nail him. Do the infinite a few times then launch. A fairly even fight... IF Sent did not have that stupid stamina. Doctor Doom: Doom owns Sent? I think not. Let's see, the only combination with Doom on point that's very effective is Doom/BH. That's where Sentinel exploits it. Sure. Sent can't get outta Doom/BH trap easily. That's where BH helps him out. No... not his own BH... Doom's BH. Take the damn inferno hit and go chasing Doom down with flying and BH. Doom then has a tough time because he would find it hard to have a chance to call BH in again. Cable: Cable doesn't eat Sent for breakfast like what everyone thinks. Its because of Sent's flying game. Usual Cable assist like Cyke can't touch him when he's flying away stepping on Cable, calling Doom, crossing up bla bla bla. As long as Sent do any lame things like rocket punch or fierce laser, he's relatively safe from Cable with BH and Doom backing him up. All in all... Sent and BH should almost be like Strider/Doom in my opinion. Throw in Doom for an extra bonus. His stamina is the fucking shit and gives him so many advantages I feel like calling him a cheater! His snapback is a very overlooked move and can bail him outta tight situations. His armour is great. Flying Sent/BH is hard to stop. Sent/BH traps rom full screen. Sent/Doom tactics that chip like crazy and mad damage when he hits you. What more do you want? DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by [darkgohan45] on 03:04:2001 07:46 PM: storm is SUPER DUPER numero uno? Why? ------------------ [PSO] dark45-HUmar-lv.21 and improving. Darkgohan45/dark45/darkspirit45 "Where I walk I walk alone, where I fight I fight alone because I'm not strong, thats why I fight myself, I fight myself, against my self." Posted by Defective on 03:04:2001 10:02 PM: I agree with Nate X Grey, Sentinel is a monster and besides Storm he's the second "most bang for buck" character. You get so much out picking him like: Insane Stamina-This fucker won't die. Insane Damage-Everytime this fucker touches you it hurts. Insane Assists-Which can practically make any character dangerous. It's just too much that he has insane stamina and super armor. If you can be patient and stay alert you can wait until that opponent makes that one mistake and obiliterate them even after making 2 or three mistakes of your own. Anything short of 3 supers won't really kill him and whose to say when you get an opening you'll have that much meter to burn. As an assist he's gold. How many characters can outright rape a Sentinel assist? Cable is the easiest one I can think of but if you're going to throw any character into the fray without thinking it out it's Sentinel. If does get hit he's got the stamina to save his ass and automatic full healing when he's resting. The only real weakness for Sent is his size and speed and I find he's really susceptible to throws (grounded Sent of course). When I get close to him he's getting repeatedly tossed. If he's not in the air he needs an AAA to keep him from being bombed on all day. Of course a really good Sent would probably live in the air which cuts most of his weaknesses. Posted by Goku on 03:04:2001 10:26 PM: I agree with Nate that sentinel is the 2nd best in the game *IMO*. My first reason that I think nate mostly pointed out was that his fly cancelling can beat almost any character, especially when he's backed up with blackheart. But what I think is his best feature is not only that, but the ability to trap as well as offense. If you've seen the valle tourney vids, you'll see him using fly cancelling effectively and hp xx hyper drones to keep them grounded. As if sentinel/BH beatdown didn't hurt enough, It builds some super so he can trap with BH. (Call bh, fly, lk, hk, stop flying, low hp, hyper sentinel force, call bh, fly etc..) 1) Cable - He cannot use his ahvb effectively If your right in front of him, chasing him around with fly cancelling and chipping can kill a cable. 2) Storm - It is pretty difficult for storm to rush your sentinel/bh because your flyin around and kickin her ass, and bh is keeping her from even getting close to you. If she does manage to start wave dashing, just hyper sentinel force n start trappin away. I have ran into problems with runaway storm. And am still workin on it without having to waste another character slot on her :\ 3) Doom - Doom's cheap little flying sprinkle shit and jumping laser crap does not penetrate sentinel's super armor, thus sentinel has the upper hand. Just fly hk, stop flying, laser, hyper sentinel force, and start trappin. 4) Strider/Doom - Strider is just waay to weak to deal with sentinel. I think you'd have to have a HELLA good strider/doom trap to beat sentinel, or at least a good one. I've only played newbie strider/doom traps and I killed them with sentinel. 5) Spiral - Spiral/Sentinel trapping Is a good tactic, but spiral gets her ass kicked easily If she teleports into sentinels range. Tough call. I love sentinel and sentinel loves me. Damn Gina! Posted by FluffyXXL on 03:05:2001 01:44 AM: don't consider this a flame. It's not meant to be. quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey: Spiral: Sent's got too much power on his side. He has that damn armour that coupled with an assist just makes it hard for Spiral o trap him outside of a lockdown. Flying, fly cancelling and calling BH while stepping is too much. Spiral gets hit just once and its pretty much 50% gone. She can't trap a flying Sent and she doesn't have enough time to properly get a safe load with all that crap Sent and BH is throwing out. Sent's ungodly stamina helps him alot against everyone. Bear that in mind because every other thing I'm gonna say in this thread works in Sent's favour course of his cheater like stamina. Actually, Spiral is one of Sentinel's worst matchups. All she needs in one good opening to call knives, and one good opening to throw them and it's GGPO. It isvery hard for Sentinel to escape the wall of swords trap, and even when he does, there isn't much that he can do against it. His best and practically only bet is c.fierce it early, but even than it's too easy to just block it. Sentinel/BH is a little better, but the entire fight involves you making sure Spiral doesn't get knives. But that's only prolonging the inevitable... quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey: Magneto: No. Sent doesn't die to the god of pixes. A good Sentinel will probably play a mixed game of flying and full range to kill him. Flying Sent/BH does not enable Magneto to hypertempest him. Fly cancelling is just too fast. The best way is for Mag to call Psy and start the infinite. He can't launch just yet because then BH's AAA will nail him. Do the infinite a few times then launch. A fairly even fight... IF Sent did not have that stupid stamina. Again, not a good fight for Sent. Mag's rushdown can just be too much for him, cuz once he gets in, Sent can't react to triangle jumps and helper cross-ups. The best thing for Sentinel to do is try to run away. quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey: Cable: Cable doesn't eat Sent for breakfast like what everyone thinks. Its because of Sent's flying game. Usual Cable assist like Cyke can't touch him when he's flying away stepping on Cable, calling Doom, crossing up bla bla bla. As long as Sent do any lame things like rocket punch or fierce laser, he's relatively safe from Cable with BH and Doom backing him up. Cable has too many weapons against Sentinel. C.Fierce, S.fierce x 4, Psimitar XX AHVB. Just too many weapons for him to fly against. He also can't work traps on Cable if he has no meter, cuz the only way to safely keep Cable down is to C.Fierce XX HSF. With no meter, he will get AHVBed. Other than that, all else is agreed. -- Fluffy Posted by Dasrik on 03:05:2001 03:24 AM: There's another thing to consider. While the Sentinel is top tier, agreed, since he delivers huge damage per blow, he also has some serious issues - basically, anyone with a fast air dash can't be trapped by him, and anyone with a move that hits quickly directly above them can't be fly-stomped continuously by him. This gives him a lot of tough matches all around - IM/WM, Storm, Silver Samurai, BBH and Morrigan all have the potential to put the Big Hurt down on Sentinel if the player gives them an opening. One of the interesting things about good Sentinel users is that they can never play him quite the same on every opponent - because of his issues, he needs to adapt and find an opening to place a hit on his opponent. Posted by DarthSalamander on 03:05:2001 04:16 AM: Yay. People are discussing! To FluffyXXL: Do you really think Spiral is a bad matchup for Sent? It is just in practice Spiral sowrds don't give my Sentinel too much of a problem. Sure there have been times when I need to block a few rotations, but I never seem to have any major difficulties with her(unlike say Cable). I always play Sent with BH, so maybe that is part of it. But with the super armor to soak the swords and the feirce beam I just don't seem to have a problem. "You spoony bard!" - Tellah(he died for you) Posted by Juggrknott on 03:05:2001 04:29 AM: Against quality (not half-baked) Spiral knifeplay, yes, this is one of Sentinel's problem matchups. With the right assist, this is very tough to deal with. Sure, you can get past it eventually, but the chip (and, more importantly, the *time lost* dealing with it) make it well worth Spiral's effort. If you are able to stop an opposing Spiral's knife generation no problem with Sent fierces, it wasn't a quality Spiral. Good players aren't going to generate knives right in your face/directly across from you; they'll know much better than that, especially against Sent. -Jugg Posted by NormalGuy on 03:05:2001 05:26 AM: DarthSalamander: Just wait until the Houston tournament and plays Duc's Spiral teams. I heard he's the best at it and I want to see this in action too. Sentinel will just eat/block tons of knife and Blackheart can't really save you because he will eat some knife too if he comes out. I think if you can keep her trapped first, then it's a different story, but with that teleport of Spiral I don't know how anyone can trap her effectively. Posted by Nate X Grey on 03:05:2001 11:13 AM: Again... I gotta somewhat disagree with Spiral beating Sent. I used to think that but Sent can try calling Doom while Spiral's trap is going and Doom will take a few knives while Sent's armour allows him one more and a laser. Spiral has to either stop throwing upon seeing Doom take the knives or teleport offensively which isn't always a good idea. Either way, Sent will get to chance to get flight going again and it'll be tough for Spiral to get him down again blah blah. Her expanding swords don't come out fast enough so her best chance would be to throw a sword when BH is unavialable. In the end, I'll say Sent's armour, stamina and power will win him the match. That's just my opinion though. As for Cable, I damn sure forgot about his scimitar. But I still think Sent can pull it off with BH and Doom backing him up. He doesn't die like a bitch to Cable like he used to. Fly while holding up and sticking close to Cable is hard for him to counter. His moves just are not fast enough and AHVB is not 100% effective at point blank range. Any assist that easily give flying Sent trouble also allows him to fly again after getting hit. Most of these assists also have a long recovery time so dodging one = free chip with Doom. I would like to hear some other opinions cause I'm only speaking from experience. I'm sure you guys know many more things and if so I would like to know so I can take extra precautions if and when I play my Sent in future. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by Nate X Grey on 03:05:2001 11:20 AM: Oh and Fluffy... I'll love to give you the Magneto one because I'm a Magneto guy. But I just don't know. I'm giving Sentinel the edge only because of his strength and power. His armour isn't even a factor in this one but if the Sentinel player can mash outta tempest combos then you can't kill Sent in one hit. The most is getting 90% or so which just isn't enough to me! DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by Who on 03:06:2001 02:37 AM: On the Spiral vs. Sentinel issue..... I think that both chars have a pretty good chance depending on their assists. I have never seen a Sentinel character call Doom to take out Spirals knives though. Not that I'm saying that it is not possible. It just never crossed my mind to try it. I feel that Spiral/Sentinel/Blackheart would give Sentinel trouble. Spiral being at point of course. If Spiral gets her knives going, Sentinels assist will keep the opponent in block stun while she reloads the knives (sort of like the Spiral/Sabretooth thing.) Also BH assist will keep the Sentinel grounded and force him to block some knives. This hurts because although Sentinels stamina is high, he still takes block damage like everyone else. Of course if Sentinel is already in flight mode this doesn't work because Sentinel takes BH hit and goes back into flight mode. Spirals spinning knives (when she throws them and they slowly move outward) also stays on the screen for a long time if you do it in the middle of the screen (in the air.) This poses a problem if you don't hit her while she does it. She can also reload and start throwing knives again. Finally if you manage to take out Spiral, you have the team of Sentinel/BH to deal with. I think that other people mentioned why this team is deadly. I agree with Nate X about the Cable vs. Sentinel issue. Cable without a good anti-air assist cannot take out Sentinel/BH. Even with his scimitar. Cable's scimitar goes up at an angle, so if Senitnel keeps directly above Cable's head, Cable can't touch him. If Cable super jumps Sent can fly under him and still stay close to him. Also because of Sentinel's mad stamina, if Cable manages to catch him in a AHVB he will still survive (damage level being on default) unless Cable wastes 4 or 5 supers. Of course this is all just my own opinions based on my experiences. I do not use Sentinel well but I do use most of the other chars mentioned pretty well. I just hate how much damage Sentinel inflicts on my chars. Oh and can somebody tell me how Storm can beat Spiral/Sent/BH and which people to team her with? Posted by FluffyXXL on 03:06:2001 03:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander: Do you really think Spiral is a bad matchup for Sent? It is just in practice Spiral sowrds don't give my Sentinel too much of a problem. Sure there have been times when I need to block a few rotations, but I never seem to have any major difficulties with her(unlike say Cable). I always play Sent with BH, so maybe that is part of it. But with the super armor to soak the swords and the feirce beam I just don't seem to have a problem. Yes. For starters, Sent is just to friggin' big. Spiral can do a virtual lockdown against Sentinel with a combination of knives, S.fierce, and Sentinel Ground assist. This is very hard for him to get out. I personally haven't found a consistent way out of it yet, but I'm working on it. In general, spiral's knife trap is just hard to avoid with Sentinel. Even if you get out, you can't do too much that a circle knives won't put you back into. Add that to the fact that Spiral can teleport at will, whenever you throw out a helper or a C.fierce, and it's just a bad match for Sentinel. Sentinel makes for a way better assist than a point against Spiral. If worse comes to worse, you can always just call Sentinel to neutralize Spiral's Sent assist. -- FluffyXXL -Accept no immitations Posted by FluffyXXL on 03:06:2001 03:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey: Oh and Fluffy... I'll love to give you the Magneto one because I'm a Magneto guy. But I just don't know. I'm giving Sentinel the edge only because of his strength and power. His armour isn't even a factor in this one but if the Sentinel player can mash outta tempest combos then you can't kill Sent in one hit. The most is getting 90% or so which just isn't enough to me! Basically, all of Sentinel's attacks are so slow, that you have to have something else on the screen to allow you to keep your distance from him. BH just doesn't do the job and most anti-air can get hung out to dry if he launches them and cancels into Magnetic Tempest. As long as Storm is second, if you even try a move, you will eat a HailStorm. Your helper probably lost half of its life and you've lost some too. If your assist is eventually killed, then when Mags gets back in, it's only a matter of time. Without the buffer zone provided by the helper (which Mags can just outmanuevre at times as well) he throws Sentinel around like a rag doll. All of Sentinel's moves on the ground are too slow to keep Mags from throwing you. Once he gets you in the corner, it's GGPO. Mags is just too fast for Sentinel to keep him away. -- FluffyXXL -Accept no immitations Posted by DeathFromAbove on 03:06:2001 04:04 AM: I think that, if both parts are played perfectly, then Spiral wins. This isn't an easy one though, and I think it comes down to execution. If the Sent player makes the mistake of blocking swords, this match goes to Spiral. If Sent has less than 2 levels of HC, it goes to Spiral. If he takes the hits, or lets an assist take the hits, he gives himself the opportunity to kill Spiral's helper w/ a rocket punch XX HSF combination, when she has to reload. Spiral's vaunted ability to protect her helper by teleporting becomes void, since HSF covers the whole screen. If she holds back on the assist, she puts a hole in the trap, and that means that Sent gets a chance to fly. I still like Sent in this match, since 1 mistake and Sent can get a kill, whereas it will take multiple mistakes before Spiral gets the kill. Well, I'm a nobody anyway, so you can all tell me I'm wrong now. Do at least tell me why I'm wrong, though OK, I'm out. -DFA Posted by StiltMan on 03:06:2001 04:41 AM: Spiral with Sentinel will lock another Sentinel down pretty badly, but this is nothing compared to Spiral/Storm-A on him. Sure, Storm potentially is a more vulnerable assist, but there ultimately is no helper that Sentinel can use to help him get out of the rampant knife throwing that Storm won't stuff. Storm can lock Sentinel down completely safely off of a simple blocked poke while Spiral calls knives, she can stuff any assist other than another Storm-A that Sentinel might want to use to stop the knives, and if Sentinel has a Storm-A of his own together with BH then Spiral is free to take an AAA for her other teammate and has a field day pressuring him at close range with her own Storm-A and the AAA. I imagine Sentinel-G probably allows much the same thing, but Spiral/Storm-A is just evil. The team as a whole becomes a little bit vulnerable to rushdown when Cable's on point (assuming that Cable is the third char) but if you want to break Sentinel teams, Spiral/Cable/Storm is just nasty. Posted by StiltMan on 03:06:2001 04:43 AM: Sorry, double post. [This message has been edited by StiltMan (edited 03-05-2001).] Posted by DarthSalamander on 03:06:2001 05:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by FluffyXXL: Basically, all of Sentinel's attacks are so slow, that you have to have something else on the screen to allow you to keep your distance from him. BH just doesn't do the job and most anti-air can get hung out to dry if he launches them and cancels into Magnetic Tempest. As long as Storm is second, if you even try a move, you will eat a HailStorm. Your helper probably lost half of its life and you've lost some too. If your assist is eventually killed, then when Mags gets back in, it's only a matter of time. Without the buffer zone provided by the helper (which Mags can just outmanuevre at times as well) he throws Sentinel around like a rag doll. All of Sentinel's moves on the ground are too slow to keep Mags from throwing you. Once he gets you in the corner, it's GGPO. Mags is just too fast for Sentinel to keep him away. -- FluffyXXL -Accept no immitations So who would you say Sent/BH should be paired up with to help deal with those characters that give them problems you listed earlier. It seems like Spiral herself would be a good choice, either that or a good AAA like CapCom. What would you suggest? "You spoony bard!" - Tellah(he died for you) [This message has been edited by DarthSalamander (edited 03-05-2001).] Posted by Nate X Grey on 03:06:2001 06:24 PM: On the Magneto vs Sentinel issue... yeah. Mag has attacks way to fast for Sent to counter but Sent has armour which takes out Mag's ground game if he has an AAA with him. Sent's attacks also have higher priority than Mag's. There is little Magneto can do to Sent jumping in and hitting him with the end of his hk. AAA will hit Sent but it will not do much damage and you can't even follow up Cyke or Psy because Sent is too far away to either combo off Cyke or juggle off Psy. The sheer damage of Sent is just scary. I experienced that first hand today... Damn... I actually lost to Sent/Jin EXPANSION!? WTF!? Since when did Jin expansion hit BEHIND Sent? It snuff alot of my triangle jump attempts and once Jin hits it 50% off Mags! DAMN! Maybe I should just drop Magneto... But really, Sent's attacks have more range and priority than Mag's so its hard to hit him. Mag has speed on his side but Sent has priority, range and power. Oh yeah! Almost forgot! I wasn't thinking about the Spiral/Sent trap when I was mentioning Sent vs Spiral. I was talking about the general WOS. And yeah, I agree Spiral/Sent, Spiral/Sabretooth, Spiral/Storm all beat Sent. For Spiral/Sent I mean the rushing trap and not the full screen WOS thing. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... [This message has been edited by Nate X Grey (edited 03-06-2001).] Posted by Dasrik on 03:06:2001 08:04 PM: Something about Magneto vs. Sentinel which was pointed out to me yesterday... Sentinel doesn't have to worry much about blocking low versus Magneto, because the super armor will protect him from the low short. Come to think of it, so can anyone with Super Armor. Posted by Nate X Grey on 03:06:2001 08:19 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik: Something about Magneto vs. Sentinel which was pointed out to me yesterday... Sentinel doesn't have to worry much about blocking low versus Magneto, because the super armor will protect him from the low short. Come to think of it, so can anyone with Super Armor. That is true. And random HKs against a dashing Magneto are irritating as hell! You can't triangle jump and you can't attack from the ground! So you either call an assist and dash back or try attacking from another place(Probably the air). Damn I hate Sentinel! His snapback is also fast enough to throw out as a last line of defense and can outprioritize most of Mag's moves. Too bad Mag doesn't have Storm's priority moves. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by FluffyXXL on 03:06:2001 09:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik: Something about Magneto vs. Sentinel which was pointed out to me yesterday... Sentinel doesn't have to worry much about blocking low versus Magneto, because the super armor will protect him from the low short. Come to think of it, so can anyone with Super Armor. That works as long as Magneto doesn't have Psylocke or Cyclops assist, which he usually always does. C.Short (call AAA) -> C.Forward will pierce armor. -- FluffyXXL -Accept no immitations Posted by Jinmaster on 03:06:2001 11:13 PM: Nate, I'm sorry but as long as spiral has knives and any lasting assist, Setinel looses for free. I mean it, for free. Call knives. You don't need to jump wall. You just shoot knives while calling assists on the ground. You dash in with S.fierce as a way to eliminate any gap in the trap. You call knives when your assist is about to hit. Spiral/Sent and Spiral/Doom lock down Setinel 100%. -Micah Posted by VenomFang on 03:07:2001 12:30 AM: I'd have to think that the only way Sent has out of a reasonably well-executed Spiral trap is to call, say, Cyke, to rush out and take the knives, and sj out. I'm no Sentinel expert, but just thinking about it, you might be able to call Cyke, crouch beam xx HSF into the combo if Sent has a lot of levels, assuming Cyke takes all of the knives, or the back half of them. Don't flame me if I'm wrong 'bout that tho. vf not again!! Posted by Juggrknott on 03:07:2001 12:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by VenomFang: I'd have to think that the only way Sent has out of a reasonably well-executed Spiral trap is to call, say, Cyke, to rush out and take the knives, and sj out. I'm no Sentinel expert, but just thinking about it, you might be able to call Cyke, crouch beam xx HSF into the combo if Sent has a lot of levels, assuming Cyke takes all of the knives, or the back half of them. Don't flame me if I'm wrong 'bout that tho. Yeah, you can try to call out bait and 'sj out', but with Spiral's teleport she can just teleport, get her full-screen position back and you're back at square one, not really having bought anything for your trouble but bruises on your bait. Also, if you 'sj out', that means you won't be protecting your bait. Free triple on your bait....bye-bye bait... As far as Sentinel fierces XX HSF to shut down the trap, the HSF is only going to get in if Spiral calls her knife at around the peak of a regular jump. Any lower, and she'll probably get her block back in time to avoid getting hit by HSF. The teleport is also quick enough to enable her to get around this. Also, only newbie-ish yellow-belt Spirals are going to call knives directly across from a grounded Sentinel like that. That's just begging for a beatdown, basically..... not something to count on, really.... .....good ideas, though..... -Jugg Posted by Jinmaster on 03:07:2001 01:48 AM: VenomFang, That is Setinels only way out, to call an assist that will let him out. The two top spiral teams cannot get their Setinel out of a proper ground-knife/helper trap. -Micah Posted by War Machine on 03:07:2001 05:10 AM: I use Sentinel, Cable, and Blackheart. I just keep calling out Blackheart and keep executing Sentinel force. When people get close, I call out Cable's anti-air assist. And when people switch out on me, I do the ol' basic 5 air combo hitter that ends with a rocket punch. Does this team secure wins for me? Sometimes. ------ "You killed the beauty of your plans with the ugliness of your methods." Tenchu 2, Rikimaru So, I hear you're from Canada, how's it goin', eh? Hahaha. You wanna doughnut? Heheha. I thought all they had up in Canada were lumberjacks and curlers! Ahehehaha! Is there running water up there? Where's your tuke eh?! Do do be do do! Posted by Nate X Grey on 03:07:2001 07:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jinmaster: Nate, I'm sorry but as long as spiral has knives and any lasting assist, Setinel looses for free. I mean it, for free. Call knives. You don't need to jump wall. You just shoot knives while calling assists on the ground. You dash in with S.fierce as a way to eliminate any gap in the trap. You call knives when your assist is about to hit. Spiral/Sent and Spiral/Doom lock down Setinel 100%. -Micah Yeah, I mentioned that above. I was talking about general WOS traps when I said Sent beats Spiral. Anyway would you care to explain Spiral/Doom beating Sent for free? I've never seen it and I'm quite curious as to how it works. I'm guessing its similar to Spiral/Sent? DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by Jinmaster on 03:08:2001 02:08 AM: Nate, Same principle, except doom is more useful for chipping Seitnel to death. The trap isn't as perfect, but most Setinel teams lack a true AAA, usually Cable is the best shot there. Once spiral has any meter, she locks Setinel down with the speedup super and Doom assist. If you want specifics on the lockdown with speed and doom, go to the S&T forum and look at my response to Bruton, which I think is on page 8 where we talk about matching Doom with Spiral. -Micah Posted by DivineJudgement on 03:08:2001 02:22 AM: You make a lot of valid points my friend but you for get one thing the key thing that stops all the chese you just so gloriesly described...CApTON CYLINDER!!!!!!! It brings domn all that air raid shit and sets up strider doom for a world class ass whuppin! Sentinal is the Robot he makes a great addition to any team.Including one of my favs BH/CYCLOPS/SENTINAL,STORM,DOOM OR CABLE In The End All Will Be Judged Posted by FluffyXXL on 03:08:2001 05:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander: So who would you say Sent/BH should be paired up with to help deal with those characters that give them problems you listed earlier. It seems like Spiral herself would be a good choice, either that or a good AAA like CapCom. What would you suggest? Spiral/Sent vs Spiral/Sent gets you no where. There isn't even a significant amount of skill gap that determines this match. More or less, you throw knifes and Sentinel Assists to each other until one of you decides to switch to Sentinel. Then, if you switched correctly, you can go straight into HSF chipping with Spiral assist for massive chip damage. If you have BH assist, you also get the added control of being able to control Spiral's positioning until she dies. If your opponent has Cable coming in next, you SOL, as you probably have almost no meter and he probably has 5. Spiral has problems against Blackheart/Cyke although Sent doesn't really fit into that picture, he can. Cyke w/Sent assist is pretty good ground control too, but not enough to beat Cable. Nothing on that team beats Cable. About the only thing that will be both that involve Sentinel is Doom/Storm/Sent or Cable/Storm/Sent. Against Magneto, Sentinel is way better as an assist than anything, as he momentarily robs magneto's ability to cross up with an air dash. So, any character that can put that momentary pause to good use is welcome. I use Megaman, but you could also use Cable, Spiral, and Strider/Doom. There is not much Sentinel can do against Cable. He has to come in with a lot of meter and be able to use it. You can always play Spiral/Sent/BH. It is very effective against the Cable/Storm/AAA team, but weak against Spiral/Cable/Sent team. Spiral beats Cable, she also beats Storm, and Sent/BH can come in and chip her to death anyway. But, Spirals neutralize each other and your'e stuck with Cable w/5 meters vs Sent/BH, which can't kill a full cable by unloading 5 levels of meter in chipping, and opens itself up to AHVB if it does. -- FluffyXXL -Accept no immitations Posted by DarthSalamander on 03:08:2001 05:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by FluffyXXL: Spiral/Sent vs Spiral/Sent gets you no where. There isn't even a significant amount of skill gap that determines this match. More or less, you throw knifes and Sentinel Assists to each other until one of you decides to switch to Sentinel. Then, if you switched correctly, you can go straight into HSF chipping with Spiral assist for massive chip damage. If you have BH assist, you also get the added control of being able to control Spiral's positioning until she dies. If your opponent has Cable coming in next, you SOL, as you probably have almost no meter and he probably has 5. Spiral has problems against Blackheart/Cyke although Sent doesn't really fit into that picture, he can. Cyke w/Sent assist is pretty good ground control too, but not enough to beat Cable. Nothing on that team beats Cable. About the only thing that will be both that involve Sentinel is Doom/Storm/Sent or Cable/Storm/Sent. Against Magneto, Sentinel is way better as an assist than anything, as he momentarily robs magneto's ability to cross up with an air dash. So, any character that can put that momentary pause to good use is welcome. I use Megaman, but you could also use Cable, Spiral, and Strider/Doom. There is not much Sentinel can do against Cable. He has to come in with a lot of meter and be able to use it. You can always play Spiral/Sent/BH. It is very effective against the Cable/Storm/AAA team, but weak against Spiral/Cable/Sent team. Spiral beats Cable, she also beats Storm, and Sent/BH can come in and chip her to death anyway. But, Spirals neutralize each other and your'e stuck with Cable w/5 meters vs Sent/BH, which can't kill a full cable by unloading 5 levels of meter in chipping, and opens itself up to AHVB if it does. -- FluffyXXL -Accept no immitations Seems like Sent/BH just has too many problems with matchups, yet I see people winning tournaments with it in the results forums. Ugh, how does this work? Do these people just get lucky against the counter teams or what? Bah. How does Sent/BH/Commando, which I see numerous ones placing, deal with Cable and other problem characters? Are they just better than their opponent to a degree where the matchup imbalance does not matter anymore? "You spoony bard!" - Tellah(he died for you) Posted by FluffyXXL on 03:08:2001 09:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by DarthSalamander: Seems like Sent/BH just has too many problems with matchups, yet I see people winning tournaments with it in the results forums. Ugh, how does this work? Do these people just get lucky against the counter teams or what? Bah. How does Sent/BH/Commando, which I see numerous ones placing, deal with Cable and other problem characters? Are they just better than their opponent to a degree where the matchup imbalance does not matter anymore? I'm not trying to sound too elitist here, but if you check the cali rankings, it's usually all Spiral, Storm, Cable, and Magneto teams. If you read rankings everywhere else, it's usually all Sentinel/BH. Sentinel/Cable/BH to be exact. Some EC also play Doom/BH, and Storm/Cable, but there is the big absence of Spiral. Just about all other tourney results outside of Cali will follow the same pattern. -- FluffyXXL -Accept no immitations Posted by Nate X Grey on 03:08:2001 08:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jinmaster: Nate, Same principle, except doom is more useful for chipping Seitnel to death. The trap isn't as perfect, but most Setinel teams lack a true AAA, usually Cable is the best shot there. Once spiral has any meter, she locks Setinel down with the speedup super and Doom assist. If you want specifics on the lockdown with speed and doom, go to the S&T forum and look at my response to Bruton, which I think is on page 8 where we talk about matching Doom with Spiral. -Micah Ehh.... I couldn't find the thread Jinmaster... haha You mind telling me the topic title so it'll make my life easier? DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by beta on 03:09:2001 09:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey: Ehh.... I couldn't find the thread Jinmaster... haha You mind telling me the topic title so it'll make my life easier? DefiNATEly NOT Cable... "Jin teaches Mvc2 on this forum =)" on strategy and tactics All times are GMT. The time now is 04:08 AM. Show all 56 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.